7D Experience

San Francisco, CA

3 (4 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: Pier 39 Concourse, San Francisco, CA 94133, USA How do we get there? Number: 415 981 7437
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About this activity

The 7D Experience is a cutting edge enterainment experience that will amaze you: it offers a combination of 3D visuals, wind machines, strobe lights and rapid motions seats.

In addition everyone gets a personal laser blaster and you yourselves take on the enemies in the show, with state of the art technology recording everyone's shots as you compete with the whole theatre for the highest score!

There are differing shows to suit differing age groups so be sure what you're entering: they include Pirates, Zombies, Los Banditos and Forbidden Mine. The rides are 10 minutes long which includes a 2 minute pre show and a 5 minute long intense ride.

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Contact if you're not sure this is suitable for your kids either regarding content or physical impairment, they're both legitimate concerns and they're happy to help.

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