88 Drive In

Commerce City, CO

Cinema and Movies
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Address: 88 Drive In 8780 Rosemary Street Commerce City, CO 80022 How do we get there? Number: null
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About this activity

88 Drive In is located in the Denver metro area and is the last remaining original drive-in in the area! It's been serving the community since 1972 and is a family run business. 

They're passionate about giving customers a great outdoor cinemas experience. They have a giant screen, state of the area digital projector and 35mm film capabilities too. The friendly staff are alway available to serve you delicious snacks from the historic snackbar too. 

They show a variety of films under the stars, with two features to enjoy. From animations to action and family comedies, there's a film for everyone. Just make sure to check out the website before you head down to book your tickets!

Tickets are sold at the box office for the evening programme and opens at 7pm. You can stay for the first feature or enjoy both! 

They have a snack bar too selling lots of popular movie theatre snacks and drinks. You'll broadcast the sound on your car radio, so it must be in full working order to be able to enjoy the movie! 

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Located at Rosemary Street in Commerce City

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