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American Helicopter Museum and Education Center

West Chester, PA

4 (4 reviews)

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Address: 1220 American Blvd, West Chester, PA 19380, USA How do we get there? Number: 610-436-9600
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About this activity

The American Helicopter Museum and Education Center is the nations premier aviation museum devoted exclusively to helicopters. Which collect, restore and display historic aircraft and chronicle the origin and development of rotary wing aircraft.
Each year the Museum hosts thousands of visitors, school groups, families and senior citizens. Tourists of all ages from the U.S and abroad come here to witness the history and the future of the helicopter.
Through the librarys continually growing collection of documents, artifacts, films, memoirs and research the Museum serves as an important source of public information about rotary wing aircraft.
Appropriately the Museum is located in suburban Philadelphia where two of todays major helicopter manufacturers have their roots, and where much of the earliest development of helicopters in the U.S took place.
Currently, the Museum displays over 35 civilian and military helicopters, autogiros and convertaplanes. The exhibits span the history of rotary wing aircraft from the earliest helicopters to the latest addition to nations defense, the V-22 Osprey.

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