Cheyenne Frontier Days

Cheyenne, WY

Kids Fun
4 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 4610 Carey Ave, Cheyenne, WY 82001, USA How do we get there? Number: 307 778 7200
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About this activity

Yee haw! It would be a shame to visit a place so amazing as Wyoming and not experience one of the classic elements of country culture - the Rodeo!

Cheyenne Frontier Days are 10 days of rodeo fun each year! Did you know that Cheyenne has actually celebrated this festival since all the way back in 1897? That's a lot of happy rodeo families!

Want to know something else impressive? It's actually the world's LARGEST outdoor rodeo! The riders are competing for an incredible prize, and it's always very captivating to see them do what they do best!

Throughout the days there are behind the scence tours, fun dancing you can be a part of, those iconic chuck wagon cook-offs, and even an old frontier town - and we haven't begun to scratch the surface!

Did we mention those pancake breakfasts or the North American Village?

It really is a true, frontier experience.

Along with all of those events, there is also a carnival midway, as well as an air show, and incredible entertainment for the events! From John Mellancamp, to Aerosmith and Keith Urban, they have some pretty big names playing! You never know - you might come away with a little one in the family now inspired to be a rock star or a cowgirl!

The location of the Cheyenne Frontier Days is pretty special too! You're surrounded by mountain vistas, and vast forest wilderness. It will give kids a glimpse of the true American West. Wyoming is, after all, where the myth of the cowboy was born!

Get those boots on and those hats dusted off - we're headed out to the frontier!

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How much does it cost?



Rodeo rounds and concerts and priced individually



Same as adult



Season passes available


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Cheyenne Frontier Days FAQ’s

They have truly kept up the Cheyenne tradition and made it something amazing

There is SO much to eat of that good old fashioned America faire that you won't go hungry!

Look at the program in advance and mark out what you really want to see, then plan your day around it.

You certainly won't be short on souvenirs when you visit! Make sure you take that pocket money because there is a host of merchandise for you to take home!

It never hurts to take some bottled water with you to stay hydrated

If you have special needs, just give them a call and see how they can help!

Take your camera!

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