FlyOver America

Eagan, MN

4 (5 reviews)

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Address: 5120 Center Court Bloomington, MN 55425 How do we get there? Number: 952-853-6000
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About this activity

Get ready to see the USA in a WHOLE new light, as you take to the skies and soar over some of the most amazing landscapes that this country has!

But don't worry - you don't even need to leave the ground!

FlyOver America is where you can experience an immersive simulation, that uses special effects, cutting edge technology and breathtaking images - it's a ride like no other!

During your ride, you will be given a birds eye view of some of the most awe-inspiring sights. You just climb into your suspended chair, with your feet dangling, and wait until that HUGE screen in front of you lights up!

Then, the sound effects come in! Perhaps you're soaring over the watery coast, and feel some light water spray on your face. You might be racing through canyons, and actually feel the wind in your hair.

With mist, scents, and a motion in the chair that mirrors what you are seeing, it will really feel like you are flying across the deserts, and the mountains, and the cities. 

FlyOver America lets you travel from coast to coast, along the valley floors, and skim tranquil lakes. Kids can learn all about the geogrphy of this amazing country, whilst having a great time - and we LOVE that! They will also get a kick out of all the special effects that make this ride really fun and interactive.

You get to travel over 10,000 miles without even leaving the Mall of America - now THAT is an adventure!

Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly with FlyOver America!

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How much does it cost?






$14.95 (Over 40" to 12 yrs)


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FlyOver America FAQ’s

There are SO many places within the mall for you to grab food, it's a great place to enjoy lunch before or after.

If you buy online before hand you can save 10% on the admission!

You can have a personalized souvenir photo during your time at FlyOver America! There is also a place where you can pick up merchandise too!

You can book groups for over 15 people or more, so why not teach the geography students all about the country!

Just give them a call to check accessibility!

The rides start every 15 or 20 minutes, but allow 30 minutes for the entire experience

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