Garfield Park

Chicago, IL

National Parks
4 (5 reviews)

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Address: 100 Central Park Avenue, Chicago, IL 60624, USA How do we get there? Number: 312 746-5092
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About this activity

Some parks are great for relaxing, some parks are great for playing, but if you are a family who just love sports, and spending your days getting active, then you might want to head to Garfield Park in Chicago, because it could be perfect for you!

Garfield Park is nearly 200 acres of beautiful parkland in the Windy City, and features the Golden Dome field house as it's centerpiece. Inside, you can enjoy dancing, a gym, and boxing center!

But it's outside where those active kids can really thrive! They can spend their time grabbing a spot of tennis - Queens champion in the making perhaps? On those warmer days, why not make a splash in the swimming pool, or head on over with a rod and try your skill at the fishing lagoon?

If that wasn't enough for you, the family can enjoy some friendly competition on the baseball diamonds, or even head on over to the athletic fields for some soccer or football. Get ready to get those skates on, because there is in-line skating too!

Those younger kids might love the playgrounds where they can climb, crawl, slide and hide until their heart's content. 

But Garfield Park isn't ALL about sports. There are cultural activities, as well as fun events that are perfect for the whole family including Movies In The Park, fun Halloween adventures and Black History festivals.

If you want to just take it easy, why not relax on the grass, or take a stroll down the many paths and trails.

Park fun for the whole family, and a great way to ensure kids will go home exhausted!

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Garfield Park FAQ’s

There is the Cameron Cafe where you can pick up food and drinks! Not open Saturdays

Check out the programs that they hold across the yea,r including gymnastics, swimming, and day camps!

Why not bring a picnic and enjoy it on the grass, so you can pack as many healthy treats as you like! Don't forge the bottled water

They have done their best to ensure as many of the facilities and programs are accessible!

Don't forget to protect yourself from the sun, so bring your hats!

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