Hyland Play Area

Bloomington, MN

Kids Fun
5 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 10145 Bush Lake Rd, Bloomington, MN 55438, USA How do we get there? Number: 763 694 7687
Attractions in Bloomington
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About this activity

There is something fun about just enjoying an old fashioned park experience, and when you have a play area like the Hyland Play Area, it makes it just that little bit more special!

The Hyland Play Area is located within the Hyland Lake Park Reserve, and is perfect for kids of all ages, with a special area just for those active little ones under 5 years, as well as those with disabilities.

Did you know it's award-winning? It must be pretty special!

There are SO many things for kids to experience at the Hyland Play Area. There are platforms for them to climb on, and hexagonal climbers to challenge them. There are even slides up to 50ft long to zip and zoom down. Such fun!

Kids can climb, bounce, hang, hide, fall and play until their heart's content!

Great for those summer days where the family just wants to get out into nature and enjoy the sun. Within the Hyland Recreation Park, you will also find a visitor center with some concessions, as well as restrooms, and cross-country skiing in winter!

Let's get playing!


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Hyland Play Area FAQ’s

They love to help keep it clean for families, so help them out and pick up all your trash afterwards

They have basic concessions in the nearby visitor center

Make sure you take a hat during those hot days!

There are picnic areas available, so why not bring a picnic and enjoy some healthy family lunches under the sun!

The playground is suitable for those little ones with disabilities.

The opening and closing dates may vary depending on the weather

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