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Interskate 91 Family Fun Center

Wilbraham, MA

4 (3 reviews)

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Address: 2043 Boston Rd, Wilbraham, MA 01095, USA How do we get there? Number: (413) 543-3991
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About this activity

Can you imagine having 25,000 square feet of fun to entertain you on your family day out? That's exactly what you get at Interskate 91 Family Fun Center!

This Massachusetts center focuses on skating, which is a great way for kids to use up all that energy, get active and have a great time! Across the week they have different public skating sessions, where anyone can come down and have fun. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, the center is there for YOU! 

Show off some new tricks, or learn some for the very first time. No matter what age! Interskate 91 Family Fun Center also have sessions specific for certain age groups, like the Romp Stomp n Roll for those kids aged 6 and younger, so they don't have to feel like they are competing with the bigger kids.

Sundays are reserved for family fun, where you get 5 hours of time to spend with the entire family. Parents, you get your own night too! Wednesday night is for those over 17 years, with great dance music! If you REALLY love skating then Saturdays are for you with the "Pay and stay all day" deal where you can stay for up to 8 hours!

Of course, the Interskate 91 Family Fun Center isn't all about skating! Laser Tag is a super popular activity for those kids who love that video game adventure in a combat setting. 

The safe lasers are great for trying to score points against the opposition, but it's not as easy as it sounds! It's dark...there's music...there's smoke...and lots of laser lights that you have to navigate through!

With an indoor playground and huge arcade room, you certainly won't be bored at the Interskate 91 Family Fun Center. A fun family day out option for those active families! 

Activity location


On Boston Road next to Home Depot and Big Y, one Mile east of Eastfield Mall

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How much does it cost?



Admission from $9 - $10. Free for spectators



Admission from $9 - $10


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Interskate 91 Family Fun Center FAQ’s

Safety is very important at the center, so if any of the activities have regulations, make sure you help them out and follow them!

They make our own pizza fresh from dough balls! They also have hot dogs, soft pretzels, hot wings, chicken fingers just to name a few!

You can celebrate your birthday party at the center, and get all your friends down to enjoy some skating time - pretty cool!

You can send the kids to summer camp between June and August, with arts & crafts, field trips, movies and lots more fun!

If you do have any mobility difficulties, just give the center a call to see what help they can offer!

They have free wireless anywhere in the center!

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