Little Beans Evanston

Evanston, IL

Indoor Play
3 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 430 Asbury Ave., Evanston, IL 60202 How do we get there? Number: (847) 807-3731
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About this activity

If you have those little beans in the family who LOVE to play, and get creative, then the Little Beans Cafe in Illinois might just be for you! This fun, indoor playspace is great for kids aged up to 6 years of age to get creative, use their imagination, and have an amazingly FUN time!

Little Bean Cafe Evanston give these tiny tots the freedom to learn, play, imagine, and create in their custom indoor playgrounds.

With open play, as well as events, classes, camps and workshops, there is fun for both children AND adults! They really are for the whole family!

The main play area for those little beans to play, is the Little Beans Village. It is just like a mini village built just for them! They can treat it like a real village. They can get around via foot, or get around via car. They can even run errands just like their mom and dad do! Maybe they want to meet up with friends in the town square? Why not!

Why not spend the morning visiting the local school, or check out the firehouse where all the firemen would be getting ready to battle those fires? It's nearly dinner head to the grocery store to pick up what you need to make a delicious meal! And if they're in their car, they better visit the service station to fill up on gas!

In addition to the amazing Little Bean Village, there are SO many things to play with! From books, puzzles, lego and trains...and all they need is a sense of fun and their socks! we come! 

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How much does it cost?



Free with paid child



$20 one child, $38 for two children



Discounts the more children admission is for, plus multi pass visits


Free Under

10 months with paid child


Last Updates


Little Beans Evanston FAQ’s

They have a crawler area for the little ones

There is a full service cafe which serves coffee, drinks, snacks, breakfast and lunch paninis. Plus pastries and other yummy things await those rumbling tummies!

Socks are required for parents and kids in the playspace - so don't forget them!

They have a small retail shop with toys and accessories.

They offer fun classes each quarter as well as workshops and special events which are great for the kids to have extra play fun!

They have a crawler area for the little ones

If you child has allergies or special food needs, you can bring your own food in.

If you do have special needs, just give them a call before you go and see what assistance they can give you

No need to reserve, and once they fill their 45 child capacity, they have a numbering system to be able to enter

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