Sky High Sports Niles

Niles, IL

3 (5 reviews)

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Address: 6424 Howard St, Niles, IL 60714, USA How do we get there? Number: 847-801-5867
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About this activity

Are you ready to bounce sky high? We think you can, especially if you're at Sky High Sports in Niles!

This indoor trampoline center is FILLED with bouncing fun, because it's filled with wall to wall trampolines!

Parents - remember those painful springs you had to avoid in those backyard trampolines? Not at Sky High Sports! Here, the springs are hidden, so the jumping is completely safe!

Kids can literally be bouncing off the walls all day - and in a good way!

In addition to the open bouncing in the main area, there are a few fun activities that can keep those active kids heading back for more. The Freestyle Court is so huge they can practice getting those "nothing but net" shots just like those NBA champions - a great place to work on those air moves!

If you want a bit of a challenge, head to the dodgeball courts where you try dodgeball on a whole other level! It's not the same as in the school yard - because here you are high-flying dodgeballers!

Sky High Sports also host organized tournaments, so if you want to try something a little different then why not sign up and enjoy some friendly competition!

Kids can get their vertical on at the Sky High Hoops, and try out those latest flips and moves in the Foam Pit where you can show your best Tarzan impression on their rope swing, or leap into the cushy pit!

If you have little bouncers in the family, the Kids Court area is perfect for them to start their bouncing journey. Munchkin Monday is fun and includes nap time, and no big kids are allowed so they can be in their own element, and bounce at their own pace.

Bouncing has never been so much fun than at Sky High Sports! Who's ready to BOUNCE!

Activity location


Located near Interstate 94 in Niles IL.
By the Fibercraft

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How much does it cost?



$18.00 / hr.



$18.00 / hr


Last Updates


Sky High Sports Niles FAQ’s

They have safety as their priority, so they have rules and regulations to be followed, and take all the precautions to ensure their equipment is safe, including safety checks, weekly inspections and regular maintenance.

They have a full service cafe, as well as snacks for those rumbling bouncing tummies!

Check out their great events, including Family Pizza Night on Thursdays, Wild Wednesdays, and the After Dark jumps on Friday and Saturday nights with music and great lights!

They sell Sky High Sports shirts at the front desk!

Speak to staff about any questions you may have about the accessibility of the sport

Why not have your birthday party at the center! They have great packages and it's so much fun to bounce with friends!

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