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Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Park

Riverside, CA

National Parks
5 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: Bench Trail, Riverside, CA 92507, USA How do we get there? Number: 951-826-2596
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About this activity

Did you know that the Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Park is one of 8 protected reserves as designated by the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency? That means it's pretty special!

This 1,500 acre park is the perfect wilderness for active and outdoor loving families to explore. You can spend the day hiking, biking, or even just taking a stroll through the amazing trail system. These trails will take you through the amazing natural environment, all within Riverside.

Who knew a city could have such an amazing patch of paradise!

The Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Park is a great way to learn about the ecology and biology of the area, with over 100 plant and animal species alone that have been classified as rare, sensitive, or endangered. That's not to mention the rest of them!

It's the perfect way to learn about the environment, how sensitive it is, and how we need to look after it.

A great place to start your outdoor adventure is the Ameal Moore Nature Center, which sites at the main trailhead entrance. This center is the perfect place to join one of the schedule naturalist-led nature walks, as well as exhibits, and hands-on learning. 

So just grab your hat, camera, walking shoes and sense of adventure, and head to this amazing piece of wilderness in Riverside. Who knew such a place was right on your doorstep!?

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Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Park FAQ’s

The area is protected due to the large number of rare species, so they look after this area and make sure all who call it home are happy and healthy. Help them out by not leaving any trash!

There are plenty of places in Riverside to grab something to eat after your adventure!

Make sure you bring hats and sunscreen to protect yourself in that California sun!

Can you have an amazing time in nature? Yes you certainly can!

Why not bring the students along for some time out in nature, and to really learn about the environment? See what they can do by calling ahead!

It's always recommended to pack healthy snacks and bottled water with you to stay hydrated and energized!

The center is wheelchair accessible, but the trails can be uneven. If you have special needs just speak to them at the center or give them a call

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