Teddy Bear Park

Stillwater, MN

National Parks
4 (3 reviews)

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Address: 207 Nelson St E, Stillwater, MN 55082, USA How do we get there? Number: 651 430 8800
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About this activity

Teddy Bear Park is ALL about the kids, so if you want a fun outdoor space for them to play, this park has you covered! Teddy Bear Park offers a great adventure playground with equipment designed for under 7s, but don't worry, because for those older kids there is plenty of further open playspace for them to use up all of that energy!

Play options include the tree house constructions with slides, bridges, clamber nets, tunnels and more, with the equipment well arranged to keep kids flowing through. Kids can not only take in that great Minnesota fresh air, they can play until their heart's content!

The amphitheatre and buildings with facilities are available to rent only.

Don't miss every summer Teddy Bear Park host a number of children's programs ideal for entertaining the kids. 

If you go down to the woods today, you'll be in for a big surprise, and that might just be arriving at Teddy Bear Park!

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Teddy Bear Park FAQ’s

Best take some healthy snacks in your bag for the kids to enjoy during their playtime!

It is outdoors, so dress for whatever Minnesota weather throws your way!

Take water to stay hydrated

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