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The Mary Vagle Nature Center

Fontana, CA

National Parks
3 (5 reviews)

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Address: 11501 Cypress Ave, Fontana, CA 92337, USA How do we get there? Number: 909 349 6994
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About this activity

It's so much fun to have a family day out in nature, and when you visit the Mary Vagle Nature Center, that's exactly what you'll be doing!

The center can be found with in the foothills of the Jurupa Hills, in south Fontana. It's a natural refuge right in the heart of an urban landscape, and the place for your family to learn all about nature - before experiencing it for yourselves!

There is so much to explore, so it's perfect for those active families. You can enjoy a lovely walk along the nature trail which winds around the pond. Kids can have a great time spotting the local wildlife, or seeing if they can find the native plants currently in bloom.

For that extra learning experience, you can venture into the center itself and discover all the exhibits of the local animals, plants, geology and history. There's nothing better than learning about what you can see right in front of you!

As well as exhibits, the Mary Vagle Nature Center offers a range of programs which families can enjoy. All of the programs incorporate a hands-on approach to learning, which is ideal for kids (because they won't even realize they are doing so!)

The family can enjoy pond-side picnics, practice those photography skills on the wildlife, or just spend the day hiking.  It's perfect for the whole family, no matter what age, as long as you love exploring the great outdoors!

Have a wonderful family day out in nature at the Mary Vagle Nature Center!

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The Mary Vagle Nature Center FAQ’s

The staff really love looking after nature, so help them out by picking up after yourself. It's lovely to keep nature clean!

There are plenty of places to enjoy your picnics so why not pack some lunch and enjoy it by the pond!

Make sure you take your hat and sunscreen if you're spending a lot of time outdoors

Give them a call about groups if you want to bring the students down.

Make sure you take lots of bottled water to stay hydrated

If you have special needs, just give them a call and they'll be able to advice you on the accessibility

The pond and grounds themselves are actually open from sunrise to sunset

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