Roller City Cheyenne

Cheyenne, WY

3 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: Cheyenne, WY 82009, USA How do we get there? Number: 307-634-7291
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About this activity

Let's get our skates's rollerskating time!

Roller City in Cheyenne is a family friendly roller rink which gives kids a place to try those new tricks, keep active, and have some Wyoming family fun!

The first great thing about Roller City, is that it's no matter what the weather you'll be FINE! The second great thing about Roller City, is that there are public skating sessions that are perfect for skaters of all ages and experiences.

Don't worry if you haven't skated before, or you're a little nervous...we've all been there! That's what family is guide you around the rink and keep you upright. They also have friendly staff who might be able to give you some simple tips if you ask!

The skating sessions run from Friday to Sunday, and last for 2 to 3 hours in length. During this time, you don't have to stay in the rink the WHOLE time (Phew - that could be exhausting!)

You just jump on an off whenever you need to, and have those breaks and build that energy up ready for your next try.

The sessions on Fridays play the Top 40 hits, so if you are a music lover then head on down there to hear your favorite tracks!

Parents, Sundays might just be the one for you with their 70s, 80s and 90s music! 

Celebrating that special day? Then why not have your birthday party at Roller City too! It's a great way for friends to get together and enjoy some skating fun and laughs!

Get those skates on! It's Roller City time!

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How much does it cost?



From $2 a session. Includes rental.



Same as adult



Sunday has the best discount at $2


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Roller City Cheyenne FAQ’s

They are always conscious of safety so follow their regulations so everyone has a great time!

You need to pay for the admission regardless of how long you skate for

The prices include rental, but inline and hockey rental are extra

They have classes every Saturday from 9:30am - 11am for all ages - only $5!

If you have special needs, just give them a call to see how they can assist you

Make sure you don't wear the rental skates in the lobby or outside

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